Our Pastor
Since 1998, Reverend Jimmy D. Waddell has served proudly as the pastor of the Greater Northside Missionary Baptist Church of Decatur, IL. He also presently serves as 1st Moderator of Orthodox Woodriver Baptist District Association of Central Illinois. Under his leadership as Pastor, the church has grown spiritually and numerically.
Rev. Jimmy Waddeell
Reverend Waddell is a 1963 graduate of Merry High School of Jackson, TN. After serving four year in the United States Air Force, he attended Jackson State Community College of Jackson, TN and Richland Community College of Decatur, IL. He continued his educational pursuits at the United Theological Seminary Extension of Decatur, IL where he earned a Bachelor of Religious Education, Bachelor of Theology, and a Master of Religious Education Degree. He is married to the former Paulette Hudson and together they have three children: Tony Houston, Amelia (Levelle) Harris and Dr. Andrea (Marcel) Waddell-Pratt.
Without a doubt, he knows he is a blood bought child of God.